Ocult. Asteroidales Julio 4 TU

Fecha: 04 Jul 2016, 07:20
Asteroide: (231) Vindobona
Estrella: HIP 84381(8.8)
Caída Mag: 4.32
Duración: 11.1 segundos (max)
Status: Current
Visibilidad: Centroamérica
Sigma: 0.36 anchobanda
Comentario: posible estrella doble
Event List Event Details: [SteveP]

/ Mapa en: http://www.poyntsource.com/New/Google/20160704_37499.HTM

Occultation of HIP  84381 by 231 Vindobona on 2016 Jul  4 

Distance from center of occultation path - in km
Distances are positive to the right, referenced to the direction of motion along the path

Uncertainty in time = +/- 8 secs

        d Proba-  Location                          Longitude Latitude   alt      U.T.     Sepn   Alt  Sun
     km   bility                                       o   '    o   '      m    h  m  s     "       o    o
    177 -    0%   ** Path limit plus 3-Sigma **   
    137 -    2%   ** Path limit plus 2-Sigma **   
    102 N   14%   SantoDomingo DR                   - 69 55.   18 35.     45    7 10 55   -0.066   13  -35
     97 -   16%   ** Path limit plus 1-Sigma **   
     56 -   50%   ***  Path limit  ***            

      0 -   84%   **** Centre Line    ****        
    -52 S   53%   AGUADILLA     PR HERNANDEZ~DANIE  - 67  5.   18 15.      0    7 10 30    0.034   11  -34
    -56 -   50%   ***  Path limit  ***            
    -60 S   46%   251 Arecibo                       - 66 45.   18 25.    492    7 10 28    0.039   11  -33
    -83 S   26%   San Juan PR                       - 66  5.   18 25.     11    7 10 24    0.053   10  -33

    -97 -   16%   ** Path limit plus 1-Sigma **   
   -137 -    2%   ** Path limit plus 2-Sigma **   
   -177 -    0%   ** Path limit plus 3-Sigma **   

Prediction of 2016 May 15.1

Fecha: 04 Jul 2016, 22:46
Asteroide: (38) Leda
Estrella: TYC 6788-00572-1(10.8)
Caída Mag: 0.74
Duración: 14.3 segundos (max)
Status: Current
Visibilidad: Brasil
Sigma: 0.59 anchobanda
Comentario: estrella doble cerrada
Event List Event Details: [SteveP]

/ Mapa en: http://www.poyntsource.com/New/Google/20160704_36837.HTM

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