Ocult. Asteroidales Septiembre 25 TU

Fecha: 25 Sep 2017, 00:42
Asteroide: (324) Bamberga
Estrella: TYC 6854-01966-1(11.4)
Caída Mag: 0.73
Duración: 12.8 segundos (max)
Status: Currente
Visibilidad: Venezuela, Perú
Sigma: 0.05 anchobanda
Event List Event Details: [SteveP]

Occultation of TYC 6854-01966-1 by 324 Bamberga on 2017 Sep 25 

Distance from center of occultation path - in km
Distances are positive to the right, referenced to the direction of motion along the path

Uncertainty in time = +/- 1 secs

        d Proba-  Location                          Longitude Latitude   alt      U.T.     Sepn   Alt  Sun
     km   bility                                       o   '    o   '      m    h  m  s     "       o    o
    156 -    0%   ** Path limit plus 3-Sigma **   
    143 -    2%   ** Path limit plus 2-Sigma **   
    130 -   16%   ** Path limit plus 1-Sigma **   
    117 -   50%   ***  Path limit  ***            
      0 -  100%   **** Centre Line    ****        
   -117 -   50%   ***  Path limit  ***            
   -130 -   16%   ** Path limit plus 1-Sigma **   
   -143 -    2%   ** Path limit plus 2-Sigma **   
   -156 -    0%   ** Path limit plus 3-Sigma **   

Prediction of 2017 Aug  1.0

Fecha: 25 Sep 2017, 22:27
Asteroide: (324) Bamberga
Estrella: UCAC4-303-174939(12.4)
Caída Mag: 0.31
Duración: 12.6 segundos (max)
Status: Currente
Visibilidad: Africa, Brasil, Argentina
Sigma: 0.15 anchobanda
Coment.: estrella doble a 2″ mag 13/14, muy baja caída magnitud
Event List Event Details: [SteveP]

Occultation of UCAC4-303-174939 by 324 Bamberga on 2017 Sep 25 

Distance from center of occultation path - in km
Distances are positive to the right, referenced to the direction of motion along the path

Uncertainty in time = +/- 2 secs

        d Proba-  Location                          Longitude Latitude   alt      U.T.     Sepn   Alt  Sun
     km   bility                                       o   '    o   '      m    h  m  s     "       o    o
    150 -   16%   ** Path limit plus 1-Sigma **   
    122 S   41%   821 Cordoba-Bosque Alegre         - 64 35.  -31 35.   1243   22 27 47   -0.086   84   -3

    117 S   48%   822 Cordoba                       - 64 15.  -31 25.    379   22 27 49   -0.082   84   -4
    115 -   50%   ***  Path limit  ***            
     52 S   96%   874 Itajuba                       - 45 35.  -22 35.   1819   22 29 42   -0.036   66  -22
     37 S   98%   JUNDIAI       SP LOURENCON~ROMUA  - 46 55.  -23  5.    710   22 29 33   -0.026   67  -20
     26 S   99%   860 Valinhos                      - 46 55.  -23  5.    859   22 29 34   -0.018   67  -20

      0 -  100%   **** Centre Line    ****        
     -1 N  100%   861 Barao Geraldo                 - 47  5.  -22 45.    571   22 29 34    0.001   67  -20
   -109 N   56%   859 Wykrota Observatory-CEAMIG    - 43 45.  -19 45.   1469   22 29 58    0.076   63  -24
   -115 -   50%   ***  Path limit  ***            
   -115 N   49%   Belo Horizonte BRZ - Breno Giacc  - 43 55.  -19 55.    897   22 29 56    0.081   63  -24

   -125 N   39%   I77 CEAMIG-REA Observatory, Bel   - 43 55.  -19 45.    840   22 29 56    0.088   63  -24
   -145 N   20%   870 Campinas                      - 46 45.  -21  5.      0   22 29 40    0.102   66  -21
   -150 -   16%   ** Path limit plus 1-Sigma **   

Prediction of 2017 Aug  1.0

Fecha: 25 Sep 2017, 23:40
Asteroide: (40) Harmonia
Estrella: TYC 6847-01953-1(11.7)
Caída Mag: 0.62
Duración: 6.6 segundos (max)
Status: Currente
Visibilidad: Venezuela, Colombia
Sigma: 0.12 anchobanda
Event List Event Details: [SteveP]

Occultation of TYC 6847-01953-1 by 40 Harmonia on 2017 Sep 25 

Distance from center of occultation path - in km
Distances are positive to the right, referenced to the direction of motion along the path

Uncertainty in time = +/- 1 secs

        d Proba-  Location                          Longitude Latitude   alt      U.T.     Sepn   Alt  Sun
     km   bility                                       o   '    o   '      m    h  m  s     "       o    o
    118 -    0%   ** Path limit plus 3-Sigma **   
    102 -    2%   ** Path limit plus 2-Sigma **   
     85 -   16%   ** Path limit plus 1-Sigma **   
     69 -   50%   ***  Path limit  ***            
      0 -  100%   **** Centre Line    ****        
    -69 -   50%   ***  Path limit  ***            
    -85 -   16%   ** Path limit plus 1-Sigma **   
   -102 -    2%   ** Path limit plus 2-Sigma **   
   -118 -    0%   ** Path limit plus 3-Sigma **   

Prediction of 2017 Sep  1.6