Ocult. Asteroidal Julio 21 TU

Fecha: 21 Jul 2018, 00:36
Asteroide: (140) Siwa
Estrella: TYC 6340-00808-1(10.3)
Caída Mag: 0.88
Duración: 15.7 segundos (max)
Status: Currente
Visibilidad: SW Asia, Africa, N Brazil, Colombia
Sigma: 0.11 anchobanda
Event List Event Details: [SteveP]

Occultation of TYC 6340-00808-1 by 140 Siwa on 2018 Jul 21

Distance from center of occultation path - in km
Distances are positive to the right, referenced to the direction of motion along the path

Uncertainty in time = +/- 5 secs

        d Proba-  Location                          Longitude Latitude   alt      U.T.     Sepn   Alt  Sun
     km   bility                                       o   '    o   '      m    h  m  s     "       o    o
    103 -    0%   ** Path limit plus 3-Sigma **   
     90 -    2%   ** Path limit plus 2-Sigma **   
     77 -   16%   ** Path limit plus 1-Sigma **   
     63 -   50%   ***  Path limit  ***            
     55 N   72%   Beirut, Lebanon                     35 35.   33 55.      0    0 25 15   -0.058   26  -24

      0 -  100%   **** Centre Line    ****        
     -4 S  100%   129 Ordubad                         45 55.   39 15.   1505    0 24  7    0.004   16  -14
    -17 S  100%   Damascus, Syria                     36 15.   33 35.      0    0 25  8    0.018   26  -23
    -58 S   64%   Cairo, Egypt                        31 15.   30  5.      0    0 25 51    0.061   31  -29
    -61 S   58%   SANTA CRUZ    CA FRIEDLAND~JAY    - 36 55.    0  5.     46    0 42 14    0.064   52  -56

    -63 -   50%   ***  Path limit  ***            
    -66 S   43%   Tel-Aviv, Israel                    34 45.   32  5.      0    0 25 19    0.069   27  -25
    -69 S   36%   137 Givatayim Observatory           34 45.   32  5.     25    0 25 19    0.072   27  -25
    -77 -   16%   ** Path limit plus 1-Sigma **   
    -80 S   12%   087 Helwan                          31 25.   29 55.     79    0 25 50    0.084   31  -29

    -90 -    2%   ** Path limit plus 2-Sigma **   
    -95 S    1%   Baku, Azerbajan                     49 55.   40 25.      0    0 23 46    0.100   13  -11
   -100 S    1%   088 Kottomia                        31 45.   29 55.    464    0 25 46    0.105   31  -29
   -103 -    0%   ** Path limit plus 3-Sigma **   

Prediction of 2018 May 15.7

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